Welcome to Saddleworth Medical Practice

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To request an appointment please contact us online If you are unable to contact us online please call 01457 872228.
Please request your repeat prescription online or in person.
Telephone requests will only be available to patients on our housebound or vulnerable list.
This is inline with latest NHS guidance around safe prescribing.
Ways to request a repeat prescription:
Please allow two full working days to process your repeat prescriptions.
Test results
If we have arranged a medical test for you we will tell you the results by text, email, letter or phone. You can see all your own test results if you have on-line access to your records.
Please do not call unless 2 weeks has passed and you haven’t heard from us. If a test result shows a serious illness we will contact you immediately, usually by phone.
Please do not call for results of tests that have been arranged by a hospital doctor. It is their duty to inform you of these results. Often they share results at your next clinic visit. If you have no follow up appointments at the hospital then phone the consultant’s secretary to ask for a letter about your results.
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